

Stereo audio, 2 minutes 54 seconds

Regurgitating uses the singing voice as a charged outpouring of the body, exploring its association with crying, shouting, pain and healing. Regurgitating explores the residues of others’ voices in our own; the unwieldy rubble of conversations and phrasing that fill our inner speech.

As the singing voice attempts to call out, it is reeled back in and broken down into speech as the mouth’s desire to arrest and communicate – to let something out and let something in – is seized in a cycle of regurgitation. Drawing on research into voice, grief, and narrative, Regurgitating considers the ability song has to stage a scene of sentiment, and to provide an intersubjective site from which to speak.

Presentations include:
Radiophrenia Glasgow (Broadcast 17 Feb 2022)
a thing that remembers itself (Exhibition, 2021)